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to my creative expression pages. This is a sample of some of my own amateur
poetry. I also have pages dedicated to vistor's works and short stories.
Please feel free to email me if you have work you would like to share.
Chapter one You are here So anyway there I was in the middle of the evergreen forest, I didn't know how I got there or where exactly it was. But that was where I found myself. The last thing I remembered was falling asleep last night but I when I woke up I wasn't in my bed anymore. All around me I saw green, trees and bushes, soft grass and blooming flowers, everything was green and growing. I thought this is a wonderful place, I hadn't seen many places like this in the city. I had to be pretty far from home to find a place like this. I couldn't help but wonder how I had gotten here but as soon as the thought entered my mind it was gone. Out in a small clearing I saw something wonderful, a beautiful white stallion with a glowing silver horn in the center of his forehead. A unicorn. A unicorn? Unicorns don't exist. But there it was right in front of me I couldn't say it wasn't real when it was standing there plain as day. Then I saw something even more amazing, three more were coming out of the trees into the clearing, two adults and a smaller foal. They were just as beautiful as the large stallion, with long flowing silvery white manes and tails. Each with a glowing silver horn at the top of it's head, the foal's horn wasn't very large but it glowed with more brilliance than the adult's horns. It wasn't a blinding light, it just glowed from within, it was up to that point the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. The small herd walked out further into the clearing and the adults started to munch on the dew soaked grass, but the foal was sniffing the air and walking around in the meadow. I didn't think much of it and I continued to watch them enjoying what I assumed was their breakfast. Slowly the foal was approaching where I stood, I stared to get a little nervous I didn't know what would happen if the herd realized I was there in the brush watching them. He slowly crept up to me, I stood motionless hardly breathing. He kept sniffing the air and walking towards me. And then he gently nudged the brush aside and there we stood face to face. He cocked his head to one side as if questioning who I was and how I got there. Funny, I could say I was questioning much the same things. I got my nerve up enough to hold my hand out and touch his nose much like I had seen people with horses do. Sure enough the small unicorn nudged my hand with his muzzle. I couldn't believe it, I was petting a unicorn, this must be a dream. But it couldn't be a dream I could feel the soft fur on his nose beneath my hand. I could feel his breath on my face. I had never had a dream that felt so real. But unicorns aren't real. It had to be a dream. I thought "Well, if it's a dream I'm going to enjoy it." Slowly I reached forward with my other hand to touch the foal's silky mane, it was soft and warm. I reached up to touch it's horn and it reared it's head a bit. That startled me a little but not enough to stop what I was doing. I touched the glowing horn and it was almost hot to the touch. That's when things started to happen. The foal whinnied and all of the adults picked up their heads, they saw the foal and me in the brush and charged at us. The largest of the herd was charging right at me, his nostrils flaring and his eyes wild. As he was getting closer he lowered his head as if he were going to stab at me with his glowing horn. I panicked and ran off in the opposite direction, deeper into the forest. I ran without thinking I just thought about getting as far away from that huge unicorn. I ran and ran. I saw some dense underbrush and just jumped into it. Maybe if it couldn't see me it would just go away. But what I didn't notice about the bushes I jumped into was the burrs. And when I jumped in I screamed out in pain, hundreds of little pickers were all over me. Stabbing right through my clothes pricking my skin. They hurt but not as much as that unicorn would have hurt me if he caught me. I waited a few minutes in the bushes. Waited, panting and praying that he wouldn't find me. I listened intensely for charging hooves but I heard nothing. Only the calm gentle sounds of the forest. I did it, I got away. Now that I think about it, it seems silly. How could I get away from a charging stallion? I don't have the speed one would need to escape that kind of creature but I did get away. I think that the herd was just trying to scare me away from the foal. They succeeded. Now I found myself covered in burrs deep in the forest, a forest which was unlike any I had seen before. I began to pick off the burrs. Boy did that hurt. I think they hurt more coming out then they did going in. Looking around I saw trees and bushes that I had never seen before, strange unusual plants of every shade of green. One plant was glowing a faint light green on it's blossoms. I had finished picking myself as clean as I could so I decided to check the glowing plant out. As I got closer to the plant I heard a strange shh-ing sound. I got closer and it got louder. The leaves of the plant were large and drooping along the ground while in the center thick stalks rose up out of the ground and at the top of each was a large glowing blossom. There must have been at least thirty of them, each one glowing with that faint light. I came closer to the one of the blossoms and the shh-ing was louder than ever. The blossom was open slightly and its scent filled my nostrils. Through the small opening at the top I could see into it. At the bottom there was a strange insect, at least I thought it was an insect. The wings of the bug were flapping rapidly generating the glow and that odd noise. I looked closer and noticed that this insect was no insect at all, it didn't have six legs like any insect I had ever seen. It had two arms and two legs much like me, it's skin was a light peach color and it's texture was like my own. It seemed to be a very small human with wings. A fairy. A fairy? Now I knew I was dreaming. Fairies are not real. But there it was in the blossom that I could smell. On a plant which I could touch and felt as real as the pages in your hands. I never had a dream this real, but fairies and unicorns are only imaginary. It had to be a dream. That was the only thing that could make sense of all of this. One of the blossoms opened more and the small glowing fairy peeked out. I could make out it's small face and I noticed that it's eyes were squinting. But when the creature saw me it's eyes opened wide in surprise. It's little mouth dropped open and I heard a faint little gasp. It went back inside it's blossom and the flower closed up tight. The rest of the fairies seemed to be sleeping and I thought I had best leave them that way since I had scared the little one so much. It was then I thought I should explore this dream world of mine. If fairies and unicorns could exist here I wondered what else I might find. I started out not knowing what I might find and since it was a dream I didn't really care. The underbrush of the forest was dense with lush green mosses and ferns. There were bushes here and there, many of which had those glowing blossoms. I wondered how many fairies there were in this forest and when did they come out. But they seemed to be all asleep now. The trees rose up high and made a canopy above me. It wasn't so dense that light couldn't come through but it looked like green lace across the beautiful blue sky. There were all sorts of noises, many of which I had heard before: noises from birds, squirrels, and many other forest creatures that live in trees, there was that shh-ing noise and a few others I couldn't identify but they did seem familiar. I know there were some sounds I hadn't heard before but I couldn't see what was making them so I just continued to walk along. The forest had a distinct smell to it. From the many flowering plants and an earthy scent from years of growth and decay. This all added to the realness of this dream. Sights, sounds, scents, and touch it was all so real. ~Raven Blues |
Poetry Page One My Poetry Page Two My
Poetry Page Three Short Stories